Legal Information

FIBULARIA is Alicia Vigo Marco (25180285T), residing in C/ Conchita Carrillo, 1, Esc 3, 2A, Zaragoza (Spain); e-mail, and web Henceforth, FIBULARIA.

Our terms and conditions

These general contract conditions are applicable to all the purchases made in (FIBULARIA responsibility) by those who have the status of consumer or user in cases that apply to them.

Purchasing process

The purchase process can be completed in Spanish or English.

To conclude the contract you must access the product page and include it in the shopping cart using the "Add to cart" button. After that, you must click "Proceed to checkout" where you can confirm the product you want to purchase and the number of units.

Once completed the purchase process by payment, the order is confirmed by email automatically. FIBULARIA, then, will proceed to make the shipment of the products purchased. The invoice will be included in PDF format in the "Order history" section of the customer account.

Payment methods

You can pay by credit or debit card through the Ibercaja secure payment gateway. FIBULARIA will never have access to your credit card details.

The prices of products and services will be the ones listed in Euros on the website and, in any case, they will have the VAT included. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that have been formalized on a manifestly erroneous price.

Delivery method and transport costs

All FIBULARIA products will be shipped to Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands) and European Union by sending registered post. Currently we don’t ship to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and countries outside the European Union.

Shipping costs will be those that appear on the page of each product for each particular time. The estimated delivery time will be shown on each product page and will be updated according to the inventory.

Please, at the time of receipt of your order, verify that the product packaging is in good condition and that the product has not been damaged. Otherwise, write to within five days so we can manage the issue.

Legal guarantee

FIBULARIA products purchased on the website will have the legal guarantee of conformity that will cover manufacturing defects of the product. Due to the characteristics of manufacturing and materials used, products may differ slightly from the images posted on the page.

The goods will be guaranteed for two years from the date of delivery. If the product was not in accordance with the contract, the consumer and user may request the replacement. FIBULARIA reserves the right to refuse those applications where the lack of conformity has been produced by the consumer.

The European Commission through Regulation (EU) 524/2013, provides a platform for online dispute resolution which is available at the following link: As a consumer you can also make their claims through the platform.

To receive sales support you can contact

Right of withdrawal

You are entitled to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within 14 calendar days from the day you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier has acquired the physical possession of the goods or the last of the goods. To do this, you must notify its decision through an unequivocal statement to

The right of withdrawal shall not apply to contracts relating to the supply of goods made according to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized and user.

You must return the goods properly packaged in its original packaging and bear the direct cost of returning the goods to FIBULARIA later than within 14 calendar days from the date on which you communicate your decision.

You are responsible for the diminished value of the goods resulting from a handling different than the necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

After exercising his right of withdrawal, we will refund all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery in 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of its decision. FIBULARIA reserves the right to withhold payment until we have received the goods back or proof thereof. Reimbursement will be made on the same means of payment used by you for the initial transaction.

Data Protection

Your personal data are obtained to become part of files FIBULARIA responsibility, sole recipient of the information provided voluntarily by you.

These files are used to respond to your request or inquiry as soon as possible, and to keep you informed about the services offered by FIBULARIA, with the aim of offering a personalized and satisfactory service for the customer in providing our services. This could not be done without the processing of personal data.

The rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised by writing to FIBULARIA.

Limitation of Liability

FIBULARIA accepts no responsibility for possible computer damage that the user may suffer while visiting our website or the content of third party sites linking there in.

Intellectual property

All contents of this website are owned by FIBULARIA and are protected according to national and international regulations on intellectual property, not providing the mere access any ownership rights over them. Is hereby forbidden any use of such contents, designs, images, texts, etc. from our website without prior written permission. These contents are also registered in the Registry of Intellectual Property of Aragon (Calle Doctor Cerrada, 22, 50005 Zaragoza).

Cookies policy

FIBULARIA uses its own and third-party technical cookies (allow the user to navigate through the web), analysis (allow tracking and analysis of user behavior on the page) and behavioral advertising (store anonymous information behavior users obtained through observing their browsing habits, allowing to develop a specific profile to display ads based on the same).

Cookies are files that are automatically installed on the user's computer to record your web activity and allowing a more fluid and custom navigation.

List of cookies used on the website:

  • _ga (persistent) and _gat (session). Collect anonymous information about user browsing the web to collect statistical data. Owned by Google. You can disable this cookie installing the next snap.
  • prestashop- * (persistent). Collects information on the process. FIBULARIA property. If you disable this cookie, you can surf the web but you cannot buy any product.

Here is information on how to block or delete cookies in Internet Explorer (, Chrome (, Firefox (, Ópera ( and Safari ( You can also disable ads targeting interests in